Where everyone is welcome.
Foundation Bible Church is a gathering of Christians based in Janesville, WI, with a second campus, Foundation International Bible Church in Madison, WI.
We’re a Bible-believing church with a heart for equipping believers new and old with sound doctrine. We exist to ignite the faith of believers and to engage the hearts and minds of genuine seekers. We also have a passion to minister to the real needs of people with the genuine love of Jesus Christ. We invite you to come and experience the worship, the teachings, the friendly people, and the honest and enjoyable atmosphere that are a part of our community. It is our prayer that no one will ever leave our church without having sensed the Spirit of God.

You won’t need to put on a super spiritual mask to be a part of our church. Come as you are, and you’ll fit right in! We value being real and strive to be authentic in all we do. None of us have perfect lives. Some days are better than others. But we are learning that God’s ways are better than ours and what it means to be people of hope and joy.