
Our ministries are an important and integral part of our church community

Whether you are a student, single, or married there is a ministry designed for you. Please read about our ministries and consider becoming an active member of our community of faith.

Band of Brothers (Men’s Bible Study)

The purpose of Band of Brothers is to encourage and challenge men to live the bold lives of faith that God has called us to. There are two possible levels of involvement with this group: The first is to participate in monthly meetings where we pray and learn to be more committed Christ Followers. The second is to meet three to five times a month with one or two other brothers in order to keep one another accountable in walking the walk. All men are welcome.

Neighborhoods (Small Group Bible Studies)

In a good Neighborhood you get to know everybody else. You share life together–the ups and the downs. Neighborhoods are places where “real life” takes place. We believe that Christ has called his followers to go beyond superficial relationships and genuinely connect with one another. Romans 12:15 teaches us to “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.”

So jump on in! Have fun! Connect. Make friends. Party! Get together with a small circle of people where you can share what’s going on in your world, participate in discussions about God, the Bible, and the things that really matter. Some neighborhoods meet in person while others meet online. Contact us to find out more.

Society of Sisters (Women’s Bible Study)

“Society of Sisters” (SoS) is a gathering of women for the express purpose of lifting each other up, laughing and weeping together, and growing closer to one another as we grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. We meet every week to talk about our lives and whatever book it is that we are studying at the time. Sometimes we even sing, but don’t let that scare you!
